Weber MT Offers Reversible Plates with Built-In Active Engine Protection

Weber MT offers additional, active engine protection (MDM) as a standard feature on its reversible plate compactors of the CR 6 to CR 9 series which complements the newly refined COMPATROL 2.0 compaction control system.

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Weber MT offers additional, active engine protection (MDM) as a standard feature on its reversible plate compactors of the CR 6 to CR 9 series which complements the newly refined COMPATROL 2.0 compaction control system. The goal is to improve operational safety, efficiency and to prolong service life.

  • Weber MT claims to be the only manufacturer to offer vibratory plates with built-in engine protection
  • Available for the reversible soil compactors CR 6, CR 7, CR 8, and CR 9 (910 to 1600 lbs.
  • Hatz diesel engine shuts off automatically if the MDM discovers the engine oil pressure/oil level is too low, the engine temperature is too high or the air filter is full; operator is notified accordingly by an LED indicator
  • System also indicates when engine needs to be serviced
  • MDM engine protection is also part of the COMPATROL system version 2.0


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