Ditch Witch MT26 Microtrencher

With the MT26, operators can create a clean, deep, narrow trench in one easy pass and easily install cable deep enough to meet most requirements with minimal disruption to the surrounding infrastructure.


Ditch Witch has introduced the MT26 microtrencher. The attachment is part of a complete microtrenching system, along with the Ditch Witch RT80 ride-on trencher and HX75 vacuum excavator. With the MT26, operators can create a clean, deep, narrow trench in one easy pass and easily install cable deep enough to meet most requirements with minimal disruption to the surrounding infrastructure.

“Microtrenching is quickly growing in popularity among power and fiber-optic installation contractors because it is the least invasive open-cut solution,” said Steve Seabolt, product marketing manager, Ditch Witch HD tractors. “The MT26 is designed to help operators create narrow trenches that go deeper and wider than ever before, which increases productivity and reduces their jobsite cost-per-foot.”  

  • Designed with a standard hydraulic plunge to provide variable depth control
  • Can cut a clean trench from 1.5 inches up to 3 inches wide and down to 26 inches deep (reaching depths of up to 26 inches allows contractors to install a typical 2-inch fiber or power cable line with the required 2-feet of ground cover all at the same time).
  • Vacuum excavates the spoils simultaneously as the microtrencher cuts along the road
  • Can be equipped with a variety of blades, including the standard carbide-tipped blades and the Ditch Witch exclusive PDC blades with diamond-embedded carbide
  • Compatible with 4-, 5- and 6-inch vacuum excavator hoses
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