Infinity Lube Tar-minator

An industrial strength, plant-based asphalt and tar remover designed to clean and protect truck beds, rims, shovels and rakes.

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An industrial strength, plant-based asphalt and tar remover designed to clean and protect truck beds, rims, shovels and rakes. 

Tar-minator, fortified with Infinity Lube HDI 2500, is completely unique in the marketplace. It treats the metal directly through a microscopic chemical reaction, making the metal less susceptible to reattachment of asphalt and other tars and adhesives, making subsequent cleanups much easier – if not completely unnecessary.

To activate Tar-minator to treat metal, unpainted surfaces, it is best to lightly scrub the surface with a wire brush or 0000 steel wool first. This will help initiate the chemical reaction between the HDI-2500 and the metal surface, which will smooth and harden the microscopic interfaces. 

Infinity Lube is the only 100% plant-based, non-toxic lubricant on the market, and has been proven to outperform its toxic petroleum-based competitors by as much as 700%, dramatically extending the life of metal parts.

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