How to Get Work... Now!

Considering the state of the economy we decided late last year to ask a variety of people what steps contractors could take to get more work for their business. I envisioned running a listing of "quick fix" things in our March/April issue -- and we got a lot of great ideas that might help. You can see some of what we came up with in one of the "sneak peek" articles on, but you'll have to wait until you receive the March/April issue for even more ideas. (And we're going to write about some longer-term ideas on our May issue.) But more than just providing ideas to the industry, we're hoping that the ideas we've come up with are just a starting point. We're hoping that those ideas get you thinking and encourage you to add a few ideas of your own right here. The ideas can be inexpensive or costly, simple or complex, obvious or not so obvious, easy or difficult -- it doesn't matter. Anything you do that you think will help another contractor generate more business will be appreciated.