American Concrete Institute Announces New Publication on Insulating Concrete Forms

This new document is a comprehensive introduction to the design and construction of reinforced concrete structures with insu­lating concrete forms focusing on ICFs for walls.

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The American Concrete Institute announces the availability of an important new publication for concrete industry professionals—ACI 560R-16 Report on Design and Construction with Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs).

This new document is a comprehensive introduction to the design and construction of reinforced concrete structures with insu­lating concrete forms focusing on ICFs for walls.

In spite of their simplicity, ICFs are based on extensive research and continue to evolve with changes in technology. Because there are many proprietary systems, and building codes do not offer general guidance about ICF construction, this report provides background information that is useful for designing and building ICF structures. The report also supplements proprietary information available from indi­vidual manufacturers with general information applying to most ICFs. This report is also useful to building officials and other professionals who may work with ICFs.

The most widely used ICFs are block shapes, which are stacked in an interlocking fashion to create stable formwork for creation of reinforced concrete walls. Due to the variability of these manufactured form systems, this report does not attempt to address every ICF type, but provides a commentary on those systems most prevalent in the market, and insight, as well as additional information, relative to their use in design and construction.

Resilient construction has been identified by ACI as an important factor in building construction practices. ACI 560R-16 Report on Design and Construction with Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) is one of ACI’s resources that assists the construction professional to move towards more sustainable structures that are longer-lasting and resilient enough to reduce rebuilding.

“The goal of this guide, written by ACI Committee 560, Design and Construction with Insulating Concrete Forms, is to give the reader a general overview of ICF technology, the different types of ICFs, structural considerations for walls to be built with ICFs, and key aspects of constructing ICF walls,” states Robert Sculthorpe, Chair, ACI Committee 560. “This document should be an important information reference for professional designers and contractors looking to increase their familiarity with ICF technology.”

Learn more and purchase at or call (248) 848-3700.

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