Tilt-Up Concrete Association Announces Call For Presentations for 2017 International Tilt-Up Convention and Expo

The International Tilt-Up Convention and Expo brings together contractors, developers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, educators, architects and engineers who share an interest in the tilt-up concrete construction industry.


The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) – the global authority for the tilt-up concrete construction industry – is seeking presentations for the 2017 International Tilt-Up Convention and Expo in Miami, Fla. On Sept. 28-30, 2017.

The International Tilt-Up Convention and Expo brings together contractors, developers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, educators, architects and engineers who share an interest in the tilt-up concrete construction industry for three days of tilt-up specific exhibits, awards, demonstrations, networking and education.

The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) is seeking well-qualified speakers and topics covering presentations that are innovative, engaging, inspiring and informative. The TCA’s goal is to offer relevant education to help attendees do their jobs more effectively and make their companies more successful. The TCA is interested in receiving proposals that address current and/or emerging issues confronting tilt-up professionals including talks on concrete technology, multistory tilt-up, tilt-up safety, project case studies, technology, regulations (silica), unique applications and more. Talks should be one to two hours, including approximately 15 minutes for questions. More specific topics exploring issues in great detail will be favored over more general or basic topics.

Submit a presentation abstract, including four learning objectives, to the contact below by April 7, 2017.

Please contact Mitch Bloomquist, TCA’s executive director, at (319) 895-6911 or [email protected] with any questions.
