Atlantic & Southern is Continuing To Expand!

Our dealer Atlantic & Southern has added another location that will be selling our lovely green machines! They currently have 8 locations spread amongst AL, GA, NC, and TN. Atlantic & Southern sell a full line of equipment out of their agriculture and construction branches.

AMS Merlo

John Hoffman, A&S sales representative says, “We took on the Merlo line in early 2022 when we were looking for complimentary products to sell alongside our line of agricultural products, Merlo just seemed to be a good fit”. Their salesmen are working on actively promoting Merlo agricultural product models in the hay and fertilizer businesses.

Scott Bunting, an AMS sales representative says, “Atlantic & Southern has been a great dealer for us since day one. They are fully engaged and committed to promoting the Merlo brand”. Atlantic and Southern have done a great job of taking Merlos to their customers to do demos, show off what they are capable of, and how they can save them money while increasing productivity.

Atlantic & Southern will be opening their new location on May 1st, 2023, in Williamston, North Carolina where they plan to offer Merlo Telehandlers such as the P27.6, TF30.9, MF34.7, MF40.9, etc. as well as their full line of agricultural products! Merlo has been a great line for them as they have sold many machines in their time as a dealer. 

Go find them on our website at or contact by phone at +1 404-363-6538 or web: 

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