Seal-Tite Pavement Products

Clinton, MO 64735

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1990
P.O. Box 408
Clinton, MO 64735
While Sealtite has only been a sealcoating manufacturing/supply company since 2012, our experience in parking lot and asphalt sealcoating is in no way limited. Founder Martha Moore has been working in the blacktop trade since 1990, where she got her start in road building at her family’s construction business. During this time, she learned the intricacies that go into laying asphalt parking lots and roads as well as the importance of a good asphalt driveway sealer to complete the job. Needless to say, we are familiar with not only our product, but the essential asphalt sealer equipment used for constructing an asphalt parking lot. Martha learned about Asphalt Emulsified Sealers vs. coal tar sealers at a product expo in 2010. She immediately saw the potential in the product as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional asphalt sealcoating materials.
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