Pinnacle Development Group Reports Construction Hiring & Recruiting Outlook

A majority of respondents found that hiring new workers is a difficult and cumbersome process; 80% reporting that it is much harder to find workers than in years past.

Table 1. How difficult is it for you to hire workers in your area?
Table 1. How difficult is it for you to hire workers in your area?

In February, the team at Pinnacle undertook an informal survey of construction workers throughout the country to determine the current attitude surround hiring and recruiting. What we found was an industry positive about future work opportunities headed into 2015, but unsure of where and how to find workers.

Other findings: The majority of respondents reported looking for new employees from other contractors and other industries and over 50% of respondents indicated that keeping today’s construction workforce takes more attention that in years past, and one-third found it to be harder than ever to keep workers.

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