Could OSHA’s COVID Emergency Standard Be Dead?

Aclaimant Chief Risk Architect Gary Pearce talks about the status of legal challenges to the temporary standard requiring employers to protect workers from COVID-19 infection, and the risks to companies that decide to wait and see

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Federal district courts have issued a temporary stay in implementing the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s COVID-19 temporary emergency standard, and the decision about whether OSHA overstepped its authority is likely to make its way quickly to the Supreme Court. In Part 1 of a conversation with Chief Risk Architect Gary Pearce for risk-management technology provider Aclaimant Solutions, he outlines the ambitions of the standard, the legal challenges, prospects for passage and unusual timing that underscores the urgency of the standard. In Part 2, Gary talks about priority work that can be done right now to be ready for whatever comes out of the legal wrangling.        
