Study: U.S. Transport Spending Falling Far Behind Global Competitors

Study: U.S. Transport Spending Falling Far Behind Global Competitors

The United States is falling dramatically behind much of the world in rebuilding and expanding an overloaded and deteriorating transportation network it needs to remain competitive in the global marketplace, according to a new study by the Urban Land Institute.

As Congress debates how much should be spent on transportation and where to find the money, China has a plan to spend $1 trillion on high-speed rail, highways and other infrastructure in five years. India is nearing the end of a $500 billion investment phase that has seen major highway improvements, and plans to double that amount by 2017. Brazil plans to spend $900 billion on energy and transportation projects by 2014.

The U.S. has never spent 25% of the the estimated $262 billion per year needed to bring our nation's highways, rail networks and air transportation systems up to 21st-Century standards.

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