Free Online EBook on DOT Compliance Trends

Free web-based publication examines current DOT regulatory pressures and solutions to achieve compliance now and in the future

The free J.J. Keller publication covers a variety of topics, including MAP-21 legislation and how this and other regulatory changes are increasing the demand for E-Log and EOBR solutions.
The free J.J. Keller publication covers a variety of topics, including MAP-21 legislation and how this and other regulatory changes are increasing the demand for E-Log and EOBR solutions.

J. J. Keller has released a free web-based publication examining current DOT regulatory pressures and offering carriers comprehensive solutions to help them achieve compliance now and in the future.

Compliance for the Future” is a 13-page E-book presented by J. J. Keller’s Encompass, a leading DOT compliance management tool. The publication covers a variety of timely topics, including the recent MAP-21 legislation and how this and other regulatory changes are increasing the demand for E-Log and EOBR solutions.

Summary of the Senate MAP-21 Transportation Bill Proposal

“The transportation industry is facing unprecedented pressure to comply with hours-of-service regulations, and more and more carriers are considering E-Log technology to streamline their processes,” said Bob Larsen, director of business services – marketing at J. J. Keller. “This publication was designed to help carriers make an informed decision and to teach them about the options they have if and when they decide to make E-Logs part of their operation.”

The “Compliance for the Future” E-Book is available as a free download.

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