President Obama Proposes Innovative Infrastructure Finance Proposal for 2017 Budget

Financing America's Infrastructure Renewal ("FAIR") program would help support P3s by providing direct loans to U.S. infrastructure projects that meet applicable environmental and labor standards

Election years usually mean low expectations that anything will get accomplished on Capitol Hill. However, President Obama and his administration aren't just sitting around. His Fiscal Year 2017 budget request includes an innovative infrastructure finance proposal which would help support public-private partnerships (P3) for critical transportation, water, energy and other infrastructure needs.

Called the Financing America's Infrastructure Renewal ("FAIR") program, a new federal credit program within the Department of the Treasury would help support P3s by providing direct loans to U.S. infrastructure projects that meet applicable environmental and labor standards and are developed through P3s. The program would require Congressional authorization.

Part of the FAIR program's goal is to reduce the financing cost gap between P3s and traditional procurement.

(more on the proposed FAIR program to finance infrastructure construction...)

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