Ammann America Relocates Headquarters

According to the company, strong customer growth has prompted Ammann America to secure a new, larger facility.

Current Ammann America premises
Current Ammann America premises

Ammann America is planning a relocation near the end of Q1 2024, which will take the company from its previous host near Fort Lauderdale, Fla. to the new location in Columbia, SC. 

Ammann America is growing thanks to our North American customers,” said Christopher Perkins, regional director for the Americas. “We are determined to build on that trust, and this new location is a way to better service our growing base.”New Premises Ammann America, 680 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC 29229New Premises Ammann America, 680 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC 29229

In order to accomplish this, the company says the new facility is meant to highlight their commitment to the very customers responsible for the growing success Ammann has seen in the North American market. The location boasts 4.8 acres of space which will be large enough to have on-site demonstrations of machinery. The building itself is 30,000 square feet, which the company hopes will improve parts and product availability. Additionally, the location was chosen due to its proximity to major transportation hubs, which will hopefully improve deliveries.

The new location will begin operations in March of 2024, but the full relocation from the previous location will likely take another three months.

“We’re thrilled about the demand that has brough about this relocation,” Perkins said. “Customers are seeing the difference reliable machines and professional support can make in their businesses. Thank you, North America!”
