Attention Stripers! How's Your Paint Supply?

It's mid-season, parking lots are being sealcoated and overlayed, roads and highways are being constructed and overlayed -- and you're all set to stripe them, right? Well according to a recent report from the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) you might be facing some difficulty. A worldwide shortage in raw materials used to produce paint and thermoplastic material has resulted in "virtually every pavement marking manufacturer is running below capacity." You can read an exclusive and more-detailed article in the August/September issue of Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction, but until then let us know you answers to the following questions: 1. Are you having trouble buying any type of marking material? If so, which ones? 2. Are your dealers aware of these potential shortages? If they are what are they telling you? 3. How have your prices for marking materials been impacted -- if they have at all?