And the sealcoating job goes to...

Allanheydornjuly2011 10365230 Headshot
...Contractor F, partly on the basis of his $240 bid but his marketing and educational efforts also played a role. He knew and marketed to my wife the name of his sealer, could explain what it was and why sand was added, and his marketing pieces matched his ad and his estimate sheet. None of that sounds major (or difficult) but he was the only one of six contractors my wife called who had it all together -- and he had the lowest price. I'll let you know how the job goes. We're on the schedule for sometime in the next two weeks when he has another customer or two in our area. Oh, and we still haven't heard Contractor D, despite leaving two messages and asking for a bid. Hopefully he's way too busy to call, but somehow I doubt it.
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