CardX West

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Company Details
12100 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1250
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Toll Free:888-227-3950

CardX is the market leader in compliant surcharging. The CardX payment processing platform automates compliance with the card brand rules and state laws that apply to businesses seeking to eliminate their cost of credit card processing through surcharging.

As a fintech company, CardX offers best-in-class solutions for payments in all environments, all while delivering a compelling IT and process automation layer. And, as a regtech company, CardX addresses the staggering complexity of the legal and contractual requirements that apply to credit card surcharging, automating everything from consumer disclosures and card identification to refund proration and receipt management.

This end-to-end, fintech-meets-regtech value proposition has established CardX as the leader in this rapidly growing space and made it the trusted name for category leaders seeking industry-best technology.

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