Learn how to survive an inspection by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) under the current administration’s considerably more aggressive site inspection and rule enforcement policies at SC&RA’s next webinar, October 17 at noon EDT. While leading the webinar, James Stanley, President, FDR Safety, will cover the following topics:
- How can companies work with OSHA inspectors when they arrive at the location?
- What procedures should employees follow?
- What are your rights and responsibilities during and after an OSHA inspection?
- What are the various types of violations?
- What are common violations found at crane and rigging or transportation related sites?
- Which cooperative strategies work best with OSHA Inspectors in efforts to avoid a citation?
The fee for this webinar is $29 for SC&RA members and $49 for non-members.
(Register for SC&RA's "How To Survive An OSHA Inspection" Webinar . . .)