
Knoxville, TN 37918

Company Overview
4100 Appalachian Way
Knoxville, TN 37918

Braxton-Bragg has been distributing products and services to stone fabricating, countertop and floor refinishing contractors since 1995. Braxton-Bragg’s exclusive and unique Customer Bill of Rights guarantees customers will experience the best service, support, warranties, delivery and satisfaction.

The Slippery Rock Gazette is a monthly newspaper published by Braxton-Bragg delivering insightful, helpful and sometimes humorist articles and advice to stone, terrazzo and concrete contractors and fabricators as well as industry news, trade show information, and helpful articles.

The Slippery Rock Gazette has become the most widely-read stone trade newspaper in the United States. This monthly publication is mailed directly to businesses and individuals working in the stone, terrazzo and concrete associated trades. Enjoy the articles at

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