NPE 2013 Back Home in Nashville: Numbers Tell the New Story

NPE 2013 will bring back its “Ask the Pro” feature on the exhibit floor the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 25. During this informal session contractors will have an opportunity to get one-one-one consulting from a number of NPE speakers and Pavement Advisory Board members.
NPE 2013 will bring back its “Ask the Pro” feature on the exhibit floor the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 25. During this informal session contractors will have an opportunity to get one-one-one consulting from a number of NPE speakers and Pavement Advisory Board members.

When National Pavement Expo returns to Nashville Jan. 23-26, 2013 it will be returning with a revamped trade show schedule, 37 new seminar topics, 15 new speakers, and a restructured conference pricing program that provides great flexibility for contractors, according to Amy Schwandt, show manager and publisher of Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction.

“This is the paving and pavement maintenance industry’s ‘must-attend’ event, the only trade show and conference serving this industry,” Schwandt said. “Contractors who attend it regularly consistently attest to the fact that they bring home things – new equipment, a new material or material supplier, or things they learned in seminars – that have helped them both grow their business and make it more profitable.”

New Exhibit Floor Hours

Schwandt said that the 2013 NPE will feature a two-hour “Sneak Peak” night on the exhibit floor on Wednesday, Jan. 23, following the conference sessions. In the past the first day was devoted to education with no exhibit hours..

“This is something we’ve considered doing for years and the exhibitors are behind the idea so it should be fun. Contractors can cap their full day of conferences with a visit to the floor with eats and drinks,” she said.

The NPE 2013 exhibit floor will be open:

Wednesday, Jan. 23, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, Jan. 24, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 25, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Schwandt said that because of the new hours on the first day of NPE (Wednesday Jan. 23) there will be no exhibit hours Saturday morning, though 10 seminars will still be held Saturday as always. “Contractors will have the opportunity to get an early look at exhibits – and they’ll still have the opportunity to attend sessions on Saturday morning like they always have,” she said. “It gives those contractors who come in early an opportunity to spend more time on the exhibit floor.”

New Pricing Structure

Schwandt said that to make it easier for contractors to attend as many sessions as they like, NPE has restructured its pricing, reducing the cost of seminars the more seminars you take.

“In the past NPE had offered packages but not all contractors want to take 8 or 10 sessions,” Schwandt said. “The way it’s structured now contractors can take as many sessions as they like and receive a reduced rate the more sessions they take. We hope it will make it easier and more economical for contractors to attend all the sessions they want to.”

Schwandt said that, as always, more than half of NPE’s 53-session conference program boasts new topics, with the remainder of the program sessions that contractors want every year. “The conferences offers the best of both worlds: new material that contractors can apply to their business and ‘greatest hit’ sessions that are in demand every year,” she said.

Among the new topics are 3-hour workshops “Critical Issues for Small Contractors” which is limited to 60 attendees; “Asset Protection Planning: Responsible Risk-taking to Protect Your Business -- And Your Wealth,” “How to Structure Sales Compensation to Motivate Salespeople and Generate High-profit Sales,” “Secrets – and Impact – of Successful Job Costing,” and “Sales Skill Sets: Become the Sales Pro You Want to Be.”

New Management Sessions

Schwandt said NPE 2013 will offer more than 30 new 90-minute sessions including new management sessions: “Beyond the Website, Using Online Tools to Grow Your Offline Business,” “Increasing Jobsite Productivity Means More Profits!,” “Mastering the Business of Asphalt: How to Become Your Market’s Asphalt Pro,” “Managing a Multi-generational Workforce,” “Pursuing New Types of Customers: When, How & Why,” “If Your Problem is Price, What Is Your Solution?,” “New Experience Mod Calculations & How to Control Your Workers’ Comp Cost,” “Why – and How – to Develop a Business Continuation Plan,” “How to Improve Your Customer Service – and Your Sales,” “Building Teamwork within Your Business,” “How to Use Today’s Technologies to Manage Your Contracting Business,” “How to Dominate the Web with an Effective Website and Web-marketing Program,” “101 Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line,” and “10 Proven Steps to Acquire More Business.”

New Technical Sessions

Among the new technical sessions are: “Better Estimating on Sealcoating Jobs,” “Successful Asphalt Placement & Compaction for Crews,” “Commercial Paving ‘Tough Jobs’ and How to Solve Them,” “Indoor Striping: Using Traffic Paint, Epoxy and Urethane to Expand your Market,” “How to Improve Sweeper Performance, Job Quality, and Your Bottom Line,” “Stamped Asphalt & Interlocking Concrete Pavement: Profit Opportunities for Contractors,” “Identifying, Preventing & Solving Mat Problems,” and “Proper Base & Subgrade Construction for Parking Lots & Driveways.”

For complete descriptions including speakers for each session visit


New NPE 2013 Discount Pricing Structure

                                Before Jan. 4      After Jan. 4

8-10 seminars    $55 each              $80 each

6-7 seminars      $65 each              $85 each

3-5 seminars      $75 each              $90 each

1-2 seminars      $85 each              $105 each

Seminars are 90 minutes; 3-hour workshops are $135 in advance; $155 after January 4.



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