Here's What's Happening at NPE's "Live" Demonstrations

National Pavement Expo will host two days of live outdoor demonstrations by 16 exhibitors at the 2014 NPE show, Jan. 6-11 in Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Rayner PavementSaver II
Rayner PavementSaver II

For the first time since 1999 in Atlanta, National Pavement Expo will host two days of “live” outdoor demonstrations by 16 NPE exhibitors at the 2014 NPE, Jan. 6-11 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The demonstrations will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 9, and from 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 10, in a parking lot of the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center where NPE will be held.

Thursday, January 9 Demonstrations

Each demonstrating company will have roughly an hour to host its demonstration, beginning with Buffalo Turbine (Booth 222) which will demonstrate its Cyclone Squared power blower to kick off the event. The Cyclone Squared features two independently controlled nozzles with 360 rotation. A 40-hp Kohler Command Pro engine powers the unit which offers a remote-control throttle, heavy duty air cleaner, and electronic ignition system.

That will be followed by Schwarze Industries (Booth 1000), which will use its M6 Avalanche mechanical sweeper to collect the windrow created by Buffalo Turbine. The M6 Avalanche offers redesigned hydraulic, electrical, and dust control systems; single- and dual-engine models; variable dump heights up to 11 ft., 6 in.; and a 5-cu.-yd. hopper. A Load Leveler option increases usable capacity by evenly distributing debris inside the hopper.

Following the M6 at 12:30, Waterblasting Technologies (Booth 335) will use its Stripe Hog marking removal system to remove pavement markings (and spilled paint) from the pavement. One of Waterblasting Technology’s units, the Stripe Hog SK3000, is built on a 20-ft. skid-like platform, allowing for easy loading and unloading onto a flatbed chassis or trailer. The SK3000 utilizes the HT2500 Hog Rider, a zero-turn tractor mounted blasting unit, that makes quick work of turn arrows, stop bars, crosswalks, and line removal in parking lots and parking garages.

At 1:00 Crafco (Booths 718, 719) will demonstrate its new Model 30 Pavement Router with Dust Control to prepare cracks for cracksealing. The Model 30 Router includes a dust filter bag and provides more than a 96% reduction in dust and meets EPA’s Visible Emissions Standards. Features include a cutter head dust shroud, carbide skid plate and electric-activated depth control.

Beginning at 1:30 Bomag America (Booth 311) will turn loose its BM 600/15 cold-planer to remove 1 ½ in. of existing asphalt from an area measuring roughly 20 x 130 ft. The BM600/15 milling machine delivers a 23.6-in. cutting width and features a rotor mount design that allows cutting width adjustment with the removal of just a few bolts. The unit offers a maximum cutting depth of 8.3 inches and milling radius of less than 10 in.

Elgin Sweeper’s Broom Badger (Booth 709) will perform milling sweeping once Bomag is done milling. Mounted on an Isuzu NRR 19,500-lb. Class 5 cab-over chassis, the dual-engine mechanical broom sweeper does not require a CDL to operate. It features a side dump, 4.15-cu.-yd. hopper with variable dumping heights to 10 ft., and a 109-in. wheelbase and offers a tight turning radius for sweeping cul-de-sacs, curb lines and narrow, winding streets.

Beginning at 2:30 Rayner Equipment Systems (Booth 827) will put its PavementSaver II through its paces, sealcoating in the center area of the parking lot. The PavementSaver II is a multi-purpose sealcoat buggy capable of spraying high viscosity, aggregate-filled material from its filtered spray bar assembly. Rayner says that with speeds up to 9 mph and spray width of 14 ft. and squeegee width of 12 ft., the PSII is the fastest production machine on the market today. 

At 3:30, once the sealcoating is finished, SealMaster (Booth 504) will fill cracks using its CrackPro CP 260 DA. One of SealMaster’s line of hot pour cracksealing units (capacities vary including 125-, 200-, and 400-gal.), the CP 260 DA oil-jacketed melter applicator relies on diesel fuel to power its burner and engine.

Finishing the day beginning at 4:30 will be Titan (Booth 819) which will restripe the pavement using its PowrLiner 4950. The PL4950 is a two-gun line striper that offers 1.5 gpm hydraulic pump technology for heavy-duty, long-term use on medium, large and giant scale striping projects. The unit features a 12-gal. paint hopper, a Wide-Trak front wheel and provides 3,300 psi.

Friday, January 10 Demonstrations

In preparation of the day’s paving, the milled area will be tack coated at 10:00 a.m. by The Paving Lady out of Boynton Beach, FL.

In preparation for a full day of work Elgin’s Broom Badger and Schwarze’s M6 Avalanche will sweep the entire parking lot surface beginning at 11:00. At 11:30 paving of the milled area will begin with Carlson Paving Products (Booth 219) demonstrating its CP100 three-man track paver. Carlson's CP 100 offers one-piece construction that includes the track frames, full access engine and hydraulic compartments, a fully supported poly pad track system protected with rock guards, a large capacity hydraulic system and fuel tank, independently driven augers, and two horizontally sliding damper doors with adjustable hardened guides for material delivery.

At noon, while paving is still ongoing, Graco (Booth 204) will begin its demonstration, which will include four items in its Lazer line of equipment: GrindLazer 390, LineLazer IV 3900 with Auto Layout System, ThermoLazer 200TC, and LineLazer IV 200HS with LineDriver HD. One of the products to be demonstrated, the ThermoLazer, is a ride-on unit that can connect to the LineDriver. The ThermoLazer features dual rear wheels and a single front caster wheel, a ControlFlow System for precise material flow control with a pull of a lever, the PaddleMax dual paddle mixing system to improve mixing efficiency, and SmartDie installation and removal system that allows for quick and easy line width changes.

At roughly 12:30, once Carlson is done LeeBoy (Booth 419) will complete the paving using its 8616B Track Paver, which is designed for road and commercial applications. Features include high deck / low deck configuration, a 99 HP Kubota turbo diesel engine, the Plus-1 Smart throttle, the Legend 816HD electric screed which extends hydraulically from 8-15 ft., a 9-ton capacity hopper, and 12-in. diameter augers with proportional sonic controls.

The Paving Lady’s crews, which are providing support services throughout the demonstrations, will compact the hot mix to complete the patch.

Beginning at 1:30, KM international (Booth 613) will heat and repair several localized failures using its KM 2-18X Infrared Repair unit. The lightweight KM 2-18X is a great fit for new pavement fixtures and utility cut repairs and is easily moved to service areas previously inaccessible. The fully self-contained infrared unit uses two 30 pound cylinders of propane and offers the operator an option to use either a single 3 ft., 6 in. x 3 ft.-3 in. zone or dual 3 ft.-6 in. x 6 ft. -6 in. zones totaling 22.75 sq. ft. of infrared heat. Heat, reclaim, and transport four tons of hot mix or cold patch asphalt. This unit also can be used for thermoplastic template applications.

And at 2:30 Polycon USA (Booth 1009) will place a 1/8-in. cementitious polymer overlay to restore and extend asphalt life. The material bonds to asphalt pavement, chip seal, polished stone and other bituminous products, as well as concrete and primed metal. It also fills cracks in oxidized pavement and the 1/8-inch thickness eliminates many grade transitions and the required milling associated with utility adjustments or curb-and-gutter issues.

At 3:30 Heat Design Equipment (Booth 305) will use one of its infrared units to repair several areas of pavement. At press time HDE had not determined which unit to demonstrate, but included in its line is the 1000 TMP. The 1000 TMP features a hydraulically operated heater deck and dump boxes that can operate on one 100-lb. propane tank – without batteries or blowers. Contractors can increase or decrease the amount of heat up to 18 different heat zones, and models are available in sizes of 8 ft. x 6 ft., 12 ft. x 6 ft., and 15 ft. x 6 ft. Asphalt reclaimers are available in 2-, 4-, or 6-ton sizes.

Cimline Inc. (Booth 801) closes out the NPE demonstration program beginning at 4:30 with a demonstration of its PCR-30C Router and MAGMA 150 crack sealer. The PCR-30C Router features Cut Control that enables automatic depth control when moving from crack to crack and the patent-pending Quick Stop II anti-kickback system that stops all backwards travel with positive locking hubs when handles are released. The MAGMA 150 crack sealer offers a heat rating of 250,000 BTUs, digital flow control, auto or manual operation, and easy-to-read gauges.

Admission to NPE’s demonstrations is free with the purchase of an exhibit hall pass or any conference session. For more details or to register visit




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