New Foundation Dedicated to Developing Rubberized Asphalt Use

The Rubberized Asphalt Foundation is a new foundation dedicated to the science of recycled tire rubber in asphalt with a goal of championing sustainable roadways

Noted experts on rubberized asphalt processes have joined together to establish the Rubberized Asphalt Foundation (RAF), a research foundation dedicated to the science and practical use of recycled tire rubber in asphalt. The organization includes individuals from academia, government and industry whose work focuses on the technical development of rubberized asphalt applications.

“Asphalt rubber is a sustainable alternative to natural resources that provides many advantages beyond the obvious environmental benefits of recycling scrap tires,” said George Way, chairman of RAF and retired chief pavement design engineer for the Arizona Department of Transportation. “This is a cause we all believe in, and this foundation is the evolution of many years of work by individuals and organizations who are dedicated to developing rubberized asphalt for broad use.”

RAF is dedicated to becoming a comprehensive resource focused on rubberized asphalt by developing a web-based repository of valuable data including projects, studies, specifications and other information that is valuable to those exploring and/or deciding on the use of recycled rubber in asphalt. As the organization gains membership, RAF intends to host forums and events and develop original research presented as white papers and case studies.

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