Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) President & CEO Brian McGuire released the following statement regarding final passage of legislation to patch the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) (H.R. 5021) and keep federal surface transportation programs operating through May 2015:
"While we're relieved that H.R. 5021 is on its way to the president's desk, this isn't a moment to celebrate," McGuire said. "By waiting until the last minute to solve a problem we've known for years was coming, Congress brought the highway program and the construction industry to the brink of disaster. We hope this exercise has underscored to everyone on Capitol Hill that the Highway Trust Fund is in dire shape and needs additional revenues, be it from a gas tax increase or some other source. Providing the infrastructure that allows the economy to function is a core obligation of federal government. Now it's up to Congress to fulfill that obligation and put the HTF back on the road to long-term solvency."
Highway Materials Group Urges Continued Action on Highway Authorization
Going Nowhere Fast: Congress Kicks Transportation Funding Down the Road - Again