Secretary Foxx Announces $333.9 Million in Emergency Relief for Road Repairs in 21 States

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx has announced $333.9 million in emergency funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to help 21 states make repairs to roads and bridges damaged by storms, floods and other unexpected events.

“We are making good on our promise to help residents in states affected by natural disasters and other emergencies,” says Secretary Foxx. “These funds are part of our ongoing commitment to Americans all across the country to make sure that the damaged roads and bridges they depend on to get to work or deliver goods are restored as quickly as possible.”

Among the states receiving federal funds, Washington will receive $35 million for repairs to a section of S.R. 530 severely damaged by a heavy mudslide in March. Minnesota and Colorado will also receive funding to fix substantial damage to roads and bridges caused by unusually heavy rains within the last year. In addition, tens of millions in emergency relief funds will address a backlog of damages made prior to 2012.

“These funds will help states restore their transportation networks,” said Acting Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau. “Getting life back to normal in these areas is our top priority and safe, functional transportation is at the heart of that.”

FHWA’s Emergency Relief program reimburses states for expenses associated with damage from natural disasters or other emergency situations. The funds, which come from the U.S. Treasury’s General Fund and not the Highway Trust Fund, help to pay for reconstruction or replacement of damaged highways and bridges, to establish detours and replace guardrails or other damaged safety devices.

For a full list of recipients, click here.

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