The Occupational Safety and Health Administration published a proposed revision to its Eye and Face Protection Standards that updates personal protective equipment requirements in the agency's general industry, shipyard employment, longshoring, marine terminals and construction standards. The proposed revisions will reflect current national consensus standards and ensure that employers use up-to-date eye and face protection during hazardous workplace operations.
This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking incorporates the latest American National Standards Institute eye and face protection standard, which was adopted after OSHA issued the final rule on personal protective equipment in 2009. The 2009 final rule did not modify the construction standard. This NPRM also updates language in the construction eye and face protection standard to make it more consistent with general industry and maritime standards.
Individuals may submit comments to the NPRM electronically at, the Federal eRulemaking Portal, by mail or facsimile. See the Federal Register notice for details. Comments must be submitted by April 13, 2015.