Ohio River Bridges Project Could Serve as Model for Infrastructure Rebuild

Indiana is using a public-private partnership approach for its side of the project while Kentucky is using toll revenues, a federal loan and Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles bonds to fund its portion of the project

The Ohio River Bridges project has the potential to become a model while lack of money and political will are allowing many of the nation’s roads and bridges to crumble. Democrat-led Kentucky and Republican-run Indiana have forged a partnership to rebuild U.S. infrastructure at a time of partisan gridlock and untapped trillions in private dollars.

"For Indiana’s share of the $2.3 billion project, the state is using WVB East End Partners to finance, design, build and maintain for 35 years a new bridge and highway approaches," according to the Bloomberg article. Kentucky is using more traditional public financing for its portion, pushing for legislation to allow Kentucky to use public-private partnerships for transportation work.

(more on the Ohio River Bridges project...)

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