Rouse Asset Services reports that used equipment values are on their way back up, showing a slight increase in February.
For the month ending February 28, 2013, the Rouse Value Index of Orderly Liquidation Values (OLV) for used equipment across the 14 major rental equipment categories increased 0.5% compared to January values. For the six months ending February 28, 2013, average index values increased 0.4%. Eight out of 14 category indices recorded one-month value increases ranging from 0.1% for rolling compaction equipment to 3.4% for articulating boom aerial work platforms.
Finally, February auction sales of rental and construction equipment tracked by Rouse averaged 1.6% higher than Rouse January forced liquidation values (FLV). Rouse recorded 5.480 units that sold at 25 separate auction sales conducted across North America. The units represented a combined FLV (as of January 31) of $192.4 million and generated $195.4 million of gross auction proceeds.
Rouse also reports rental rates rose 7% in 2012
Document: Rouse Rental Report March 2013