Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Reaches Five Year Delay

Five years after TransCanada's first application, AED president and CEO says project is too important to put off any longer

Toby Mack, president & CEO of Associated Equipment Distributors (AED), issued the following statement September 20, 2013, highlighting the fifth anniversary of TransCanada's first application (September 19, 2008) to the U.S. State Department for approval to build the Keystone XL pipeline.

"A lot has happened during the last five years, but what stands out is the Obama administration's failure to grasp that approving the Keystone XL pipeline is a no-brainer. Keystone is too important to put off any longer – too important for American workers and consumers, for our economic and energy security, and for the relationship with our closest ally and trading partner, Canada.

The five-year delay, overlapping some of the hardest economic times in our nation's history, means the United States has missed out on creating more than 42,000 jobs, which translates to $2 billion in worker earnings. Many of these jobs would be created in the still struggling construction sector. Every day that goes by without Keystone approval is unacceptable. While the pipeline opponents who promote ideological extremism over America's best interests are celebrating, the construction equipment industry is left asking why it's taken so long for common sense and the greater good to prevail."

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