AED Urges Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline

Associated Equipment Distributors' president and CEO says approval is long overdue and will create significant economic activity and jobs

Brian McGuire, president and CEO of Associated Equipment Distributors (AED), issued the following statement following release of the U.S. State Department’s Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL pipeline project.

“Once again, the State Department has confirmed what we’ve known for years - the Keystone XL pipeline will have minimal environmental impact while creating significant economic activity and jobs. The time is long overdue for approval of the pipeline. It is too important – for American workers and consumers, our economic and energy security, and the relationship with our closest ally and trading partner Canada – to put off any longer.

“There’s a clear consensus, not just within the construction industry, but among business and labor organizations as well, that Keystone is critical to the long-term health of the U.S. economy. The project should be approved as soon as possible so we can put Americans to work securing our energy independence. Further delay is unacceptable.”

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