AEM Applauds Senate Panel Vote to Move Forward on Keystone Pipeline

President Dennis Slater urges quick action to make jobs project a reality.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers welcomed the vote in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to approve legislation to allow for the long-overdue construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“This legislation sends a strong, bipartisan message that it’s finally time to begin building the Keystone Pipeline, a project that will create good manufacturing jobs and provide American industry with access to more affordable energy and the competitive edge the global economy demands,” said AEM President Dennis Slater. “I strongly urge Majority Leader Reid to bring up this vital legislation for consideration before the whole Senate.”

The proposed construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has been extensively researched by the Obama administration, and the State Department’s own assessment of the proposed project found it would only minimally affect the environment. The project enjoys vast support from industry groups, organized labor, Democrats and Republicans alike.

“I especially want to thank Sen. Mary Landrieu and members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee for their leadership on this issue,” Slater added. “[Yesterday’s] vote moves us one step closer toward making this long-overdue project a reality.”

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