Lackmond Products, Inc. Appoints New VP of Marketing

Lackmond Products Inc. has named Ted Skaff, former Director of Marketing for Pearlman Group (Pearl Abrasive Co. and GranQuartz), as Vice President of Marketing.

Ted Skaff, Vice President of Marketing at Lackmond Products.
Ted Skaff, Vice President of Marketing at Lackmond Products.

Lackmond Products Inc. has named Ted Skaff, former Director of Marketing for Pearlman Group (Pearl Abrasive Co. and GranQuartz), as Vice President of Marketing. Overseeing the firm’s marketing and new business department, Skaff will lead strategic growth initiatives within the United States, Canada and Latin America

“We are excited to have Ted Skaff join the Lackmond Team,” says Cliff Sallis, President, Lackmond Products, Inc., “His extensive experience and expertise in the construction, industrial and stone markets will allow us to accelerate our leading marketing programs while focusing on building our brand and expanding our product offerings.”

Prior to Lackmond Products Inc., Skaff worked at the Pearlman Group as their Director of Marketing.

“This position is a truly a unique opportunity for me to help strengthen relationships between Lackmond Products, Inc. and our customer partners. I am excited to be part of building the Lackmond brand and expanding our marketing programs. We will continue to position ourselves as the leader in the construction, tile and stone markets”, Skaff says.

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