Andax Barrel Pacs for Fluid Spill or Leak Cleanup

"Label-Match-Respond" system contains and cleans up a 50-gal. spill

Barrel Pacs 2017 58f656cb1cb10
Andax Corp Blackred 2dmzmlcmdc7vo

The reusable Barrel Pacs include sorbents, Sorb-Sox, pillows, gloves, goggles, barrier tape and a disposal bag for containing and cleaning up to a 50-gal. spill.

  • Color-coded and feature matching equipment labels
  • Pre-label any equipment with Oil-Selective or Universal labels to quickly match the right sorbents
  • Materials contained in a UN/DOT-approved all-weather, refillable drum with an easy-open, level-lock lid
  • Allow usage from one to four responders
  • SPCC plan compliant
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