Intelligent Compaction Receives Construction Innovation Award

The Construction Innovation Forum (CIF) has presented intelligent compaction (IC) with a NOVA Award for outstanding innovation in construction. After a rigorous selection process, IC was chosen for its significant contributions to construction quality and efficiency, and was presented with the NOVA Award at a ceremony in Houston, Texas. IC’s equipment-based technology increases quality control during asphalt and soils compaction, improving operations in the field and ultimately leading to longer pavement lives.

NOVA Awards honor innovations that have proven to improve construction quality and cost. According to CIF, IC “improves compaction quality, consistency, and uniformity in a way that no other technology can.”

IC-capable vibratory rollers are equipped with technology that tracks roller passes, asphalt surface temperature, and the stiffness of compacted materials, then displays it to the roller operator in real time. Contractors and engineers maximize IC’s value by using Veda, the IC data management tool, to display, analyze, and report data collected by IC. Veda was jointly created by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and pavement engineering firm The Transtec Group.

Three IC leaders accepted the IC NOVA Award on behalf of the industry. FHWA’s Antonio Nieves Torres and Michael Arasteh, and George K. Chang, PhD, PE, of The Transtec Group, received the award during the Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) Awards of Excellence Gala in Houston, Texas.

The CIF is an international, non-profit organization that recognizes and encourages innovations that improve construction. To learn more about IC’s contributions to construction and its rapidly increasing rate of adoption throughout the industry, watch CIF’s informative IC video.

IC is one of four construction innovations selected for a 2014 NOVA Award. Visit for more information about 2014’s winners. For more information about IC, visit

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