Komatsu Expands Hydraulic Breaker Range

Expanded line is designed and tested for compatibility with Komatsu PC78 to PC490 excavators.

Komatsu Breaker Up Close

This expanded line of hydraulic breakers is designed and tested for compatibility with PC78 up to the PC490 excavators.

  • Accumulator eliminates hydraulic pump cavitation to prevent flow surges back to the carrier hydraulic tank
  • Blank firing protection standard
  • JTHB-G line utilizes a hybrid design of hydraulic flow and pressure plus a nitrogen-filled chamber to provide striking energy and features only two moving parts, a patented tie-rod design, hydraulic cushion at the base of the cylinder and key slot dampers (larger models)
  • JMHB-H line of accumulator-type models don't require a nitrogen recharge, have a single powercell that eliminates heavy tie-rods and include sound-dampening housings, a pressure regulator valve, vibration dampening system and automatic lubrication
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