Alice Cooper may have extolled the virtues of being out for summer, but this groundbreaking training never takes a break! NAPSA has launched Sweeper School online and being in school has never been so cool! In April 2018, Sweeper School saw more than 1,470 modules being in process. See for yourself at
Sweeper School offers the power sweeping industry’s most comprehensive, professional driver training course available today. The 18-module course combines with 1,000 hours of incident-free sweeper driving and a passing score on an oral exam to qualify for certification as a Certified Sweeper Operator. NAPSA upholds this rigorous standard for driver training as best in the industry.
The modules cover a wide range of issues from health to vehicle maintenance to accident reporting to customer relationship management--basically everything a driver should know to operate as a power sweeping professional. Tuition is an affordable $90; NAPSA members can request a 50% discount code from the NAPSA Headquarters.
Impartial, third party certification informs customers that this professional is truly a professional. Participating companies that invest in their drivers’ education and training will notice the improvement to their bottom lines through increased operator skill and enhanced customer satisfaction as well as potential insurance savings! Drivers will get the satisfaction of accomplishing a job well done and be recognized with a certificate, CSO patch, and hat pin.
For more information on Sweeper School, visit the website ( or contact NAPSA at [email protected] or 888-757-0130.