Let’s see, you swept the lot about three days ago on a property that is a once a week sweep and then got a call today that someone fell in a hole that wasn’t there just 72 hours ago.Unfortunately, the sweeping contractor is joined into the lawsuit citing negligence to maintain.
This is an all too familiar scenario and is the reason that the North American Power Sweeping Association is joining forces with the Accredited Snow Contractors Association in pushing for Senate Bill 237, The Lawsuit Reduction Act.
NAPSA and ASCA are gaining traction and moving to the next level. What that means is that we are going to Washington D.C. to tell the story.
Sept. 4-5 we will be visiting Capitol Hill and you are invited to help. You don’t have to be a member of NAPSA or ASCA and you don’t have to have experience.
You just need a passion for the industry and the ability to tell your story of frivolous lawsuits and how you were affected. If you have an interest in righting the wrongs of this topic, call NAPSA with questions at 888-757-0130 or visit the Legislative Day link for more information at: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=2209127
Time is of the essence in educating lawmakers. You can make the difference.