The United States of America now has an objective standard of practice to apply toward power sweeping. The NAPSA committee leading the effort includes Chairman Dave McCaskill of AccuSweep, Mark Carter of Peloton Sweeping, Jay Presutti of East Coast Industrial Service, Scott Cerosky of World Insurance Agency, Pete Phillips of Clean Sweep, and Gabe Vitale of C & L Sweeping. This committee along with the mentoring of Kevin McBride from the American Snow Contractors Association has accomplished the task of writing the first ever power sweeping standard.
Before being adopted as a nationwide standard, NAPSA first had to be approved as an American National Standard Institute writer (ANSI)—no mean feat. Finally, after two years of focused work by dozens of volunteers and association staff, ANSI approved NAPSA’s power sweeping standard on December 17, 2018. This is the first ever standard for the power sweeping industry.
The standard upholds objective minimum criteria for the determination of competence, responsibility, and obligation in power sweeping. The standard’s approval will help contractors in defending against litigation and should result in reduced insurance rates. These benefits arise because contractors can now show that they have met an approved national standard for service and operation instead of relying upon arbitrary interpretations. The standard also has the effect of boosting the professionalism of the industry, which should also net a positive impact on a power sweeping company’s bottom line.
NAPSA is currently working on training to the standard with this project completion estimated at April 2019. The standard is available for purchase for $399 by non-NAPSA members. NAPSA members qualify for a discount.