NAPSA Focuses for 2019

NAPSA 2019 plans

If you haven’t heard of the new things happening at NAPSA, where have you been? Okay, so maybe you missed what has been sent but it is worth going over again.

 NAPSA Launches CSO

Three years of blood sweat and tears for dozens of NAPSA members and beta testers have culminated in the release of two powerful training tools. Certified Sweepers Operator programs have come online for Parking Lot and Construction sweeping. Municipality is slated for the future. These operator training programs create a great baseline of training for improved professionalism in your drivers. These can be found at

 NAPSA Presents the First Power Sweeping Standard

After two years of working with the American National Standards Institute and being mentored by the Accredited Snow Contractors Association, NAPSA developed the first ever power sweeping standard. This tool is the baseline for customer expectation on power sweeping. It’s the biggest thing to hit the streets since….well ever!

 NAPSA Provides Power Sweepers with a Defense Solution

With the addition of the CSO education and the power sweeping standard, NAPSA is currently bringing training to the Power Sweeping Standard online as well. All programs can be found at The addition of our Certified Sweeping Company accreditation will create the last measure in our defensible solution to lawsuit abuse. Participating in NAPSA’s programs and becoming certified will allow you your organization to say that you have been professionally trained which has never been able to be claimed in the past. The certification process will include adopting the Power Sweeping Standard, completing the CSC application and providing the documentation and completing the online training. These three steps will create the greatest measure of protection for lawsuits.

 NAPSA Works to Effect Positive Change

So now that we have online training for operators and will have online training for companies, the addition of the power sweeping standard can be brought forward to our nations leaders to encourage them to vote for Senate Bill 237, the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act. The passage of this single bill will be a game changer for our industry and many more by holding plaintiffs accountable for their lawsuit filings. NAPSA encourages you to become involved. Contact NAPSA Headquarters for more information at (888) 757-0130 or [email protected]

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