The Best Pavement Maintenance Marketing Video of 2023

Last year's runner up for the award makes a big splash with a phased job site construction project video that checks all the boxes, including some cool music, but it's more than just good vibes.

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Provided by Royal Pavement Solutions

Royal Pavement Solutions is the result of a long line of paving professionals. Kenneth Roy, president and owner of RPS, is a third generation paver, going back to a company his grandfather started back in 1963. Though this iteration of the company is comparatively "new" (formally organizing in 2019), the people that joined up with Roy all had ties back to him, his family, and the industry.

"All of this happened in the course of a couple months," said Roy. "At first, I was doing everything by myself. And when it was small, it was manageable, right? But I couldn't do that anymore. I needed people. And if I'm gonna get people, I want the right people." 

Moving at a lightning speed, he added familiar personel in key positions, all people he knew were perfect fits for the job--from sales, to operations , and even the right office manager.

Last year, the company submitted a video for this award, and were recognized as one of the two runners up. "Our video submission for last year was damn good. Good enough to get second place," said Roy. This year, the company stepped up their game even further and created something interesting, informative, and, also, really cool to watch.

The video is shot at night, in a parking lot, with a familiar blue glowing "Wal-Mart" sign in the background. Though the sky is dark, every bit of action is well lit and visible. Several workers cutting, milling, and clearing broken-up pieces of old asphalt, to make way for a fresh layer. Everything set to some funky electric tunes that make the smooth sweeping visuals feel cinematic.

However, what set this video apart form earlier versions of content they'd produced was the on-site documentary nature of it. The video features Peter Pappas, VP of Sales, explaining each phase of the project directly to the camera, rather than just a disembodied voice-over.

"The videographer acts as an extension of me," said Pappas. "Nothing is staged. We want our customers to have full transparency of who we are and how we operate." And according to Pappas, the videos create real results, increasing their visibility, interest from potential clients, and their credibility when working with people for the first time.

Roy said that the company had produced what he called "hype videos" in the past, and sent them to customers, but they wanted to make something that might actually help non-paving experts know what is happening. "Not every job is a perfect fit for a docu-style video," Roy admits. "But in this video we've got concrete work getting done, milling and paving getting done, as well as sealcoating. All these different sections having to be phased out over multiple weeks."

The video clearly communicates what each new phase of the work will be, and then the high quality, professional camera, and quickly paced editing keeps the viewer constantly engaged. Even in regards to the production of the video, Royal Pavement kept things "in the family." The production of the video itself was the work of Kenneth Roy's own sister, Kristen Tetrault of KJ Visuals.

"My little sister is a bonafide videographer," Roy spoke with pride. "She is so freaking good at it, and self taught. She'll be on site and we just have to explain to her what the job entails. And then she does all post production, as well, and all the editing for it. Does a hell of a job. She is the unsung hero of it all for sure."

The docu-style video is a powerful addition to the company’s aresenal when pitching or submitting bids to a potential customer, "Now, we can send a video to a prospect. It's an opportunity for a customer to really get to know the people they're dealing with, and the company that's backing them up. Just a massive tool in terms of getting work, whatever the scope is."

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