Starting with this issue we'd like to welcome the Pavement Coatings Technology Council (PCTC), which will be keeping an eye out on the sealcoating industry from a regular column in this magazine. The column is new but the organization -- funded by dues from sealer producers and their suppliers who put their money where their mouth is -- has been working in support and defense of pavement sealers since 1992 when it was begun as the Pavement Coating Technology Center, a research and testing organization affiliated with the University of Nevada-Reno. That original PCTC conducted studies and produced recommendations such as standardized application specifications to enable contractors in the field to reproduce the high-quality results sealer producers demonstrated in their labs and in controlled tests.
But a few years ago, as a result of unreasonable and unsubstantiated attacks on refined coal tar sealers, the PCTC morphed into an organization that works to protect and defend the sealcoating industry from spurious attacks. Nowadays PCTC works to promote the sealcoating industry, including:
* Working with the Environmental Protection Agency to make sure any future regulations are based on fact and corroborated and duplicated by independent testing
* Testifies at hearings throughout the country in just about any town or city where the sealcoating profession is under attack
* Developing a video on sealcoating benefits and best management practices (available on Youtube or www.pavementcouncil.org)
* Developing "Guidelines for Stormwater Best Management Practices"
* Working on a Coal Tar Sediment Runoff Certification Program, and more
In other words, if you're a sealcoater the PCTC has got your back and has had it for a while. So check out their updates in each issue of Pavement (page 39), make sure to attend the free Sealcoaters Roundtable at National Pavement Expo where PCTC will provide in-person updates and an opportunity for contractors to ask questions, and keep an eye out for a PCTC sealcoating webinar in the works for early 2013.
(And for a list of PCTC members visit www.pavementonline.com.)