ArrTekk CRS Emulsifiers

ArrTekk CRS emulsifiers provide desired emulsion viscosity across asphalts and allow chip seals to be swept 50% faster, saving paving stakeholders time and money.

Road Science Arr Tekk Crs Emulsifiers Full Size

ArrTekk CRS emulsifiers deliver optimal emulsion viscosity characteristics which remain consistent through time and across a wide range of asphalts for more efficient and cost-effective chip sealing.

  • ArrTekk 706 and 737 cationic rapid-setting (CRS) emulsifiers use cutting-edge chemistry to achieve desired chip seal emulsion viscosity across a broad range of asphalts, and at least 50% faster cohesive strength development between emulsion binder and chip aggregate, reducing asphalt costs, chip seal construction time and windshield damage claims
  • ArrTekk 706 and 737 emulsifiers deliver optimal emulsion viscosity characteristics which remain consistent through time and across a wide range of asphalts
  • Emulsion producers benefit from increased versatility in asphalt selection which lowers asphalt costs, and reduced emulsion reprocessing due to viscosity problems which saves both time and money
  • ArrTekk 706 and 737 also solve agency and contractor chip seal construction challenges by forcing the chip seal emulsion to develop cohesive strength with the chip aggregate at least 50% sooner than alternatives
  • The chip seal becomes tougher faster, allowing for sweeping to occur much sooner, greatly reducing the risk of vehicle windshield damage
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