ARRA Updates Manual, Recommends Guidelines for Asphalt Preservation Techniques

Final review and approval for guidelines are expected to be made during ARRA's technical subcommittee meetings held at its semiannual conference November 7- 8 at the Benson Hotel in Portland, OR

With the boom in the call for green technologies, including more environmentally friendly infrastructure construction, the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA) has been very busy over the past year on some major initiatives. These initiatives involve the updating of the Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual (BARM) to a more comprehensive second edition, as well as aiding in the formation of the Pavement Recycling and Reclaiming Center (PRRC) at Cal Poly Pomona, CA.

Finally, through their technical subcommittees, ARRA is in process of assembling recommended construction specification guidelines for Cold In-place Recycling, Full Depth Reclamation and Hot In-place Recycling. Once completed, these guidelines will be available to all agencies for their use and reference in crafting their own project specifications.

In addition, as part of this endeavor, ARRA's subcommittees are composing site selection guidelines and other best practice guidelines for all their recycling and reclaiming disciplines. The final review and approval is expected to be made during ARRA's technical subcommittee meetings held at the ARRA semiannual conference November 7- 8 at the Benson Hotel in Portland, OR.

Upon completion by the subcommittees, the guidelines will go through a comprehensive technical review by ARRA's Technical Review committee and subsequently to FHWA for its review and endorsement.

"It's imperative that all contractors, suppliers, engineers and agencies that have worked on or will work on recycling or reclaiming projects become involved with the crafting of these guidelines and the BARM second edition," says Don Matthews, ARRA Committee Chairman on Recycling Education.

To get involved or to join ARRA, please visit For more information on the PRRC visit its website here.

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