How to Nominate a Preservation Program for the 2016 Sorenson Award

Nominate an agency pavement preservation program now for the 2016 James B. Sorenson Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation, presented by FP2 Inc.

The winner of the 2015 Sorenson Award was the City of Los Angeles' Bureau of Street Services, which arrested a 40-year decline in city-wide road quality via aggressive pavement management and preservation.

Jim Sorenson (1949-2009) was senior construction and system preservation engineer, FHWA Office of Asset Management, and he was a great champion of pavement preservation at the national level. The pavement preservation industry had no greater friend and FP2 honors his memory with the Sorenson Award.

Intended to recognize agency pavement preservation, the Sorenson award is usually, but not always, presented to city and county agencies. To nominate an agency, please include a brief write-up of how the agency gained acceptance and support for its pavement preservation program; how long the program has been in existence, any special or unique public awareness actions; press releases; the contact person in the agency; and the person or firm making the nomination.

Criteria to evaluate candidate agencies include: process used to gain acceptance by elected officials, general public, employees, and industry (40 percent); how well the program relates to the theme of The Right Treatment, for the Right Road, at the Right Time (20 percent); tangible improvement in their system (20 percent); techniques used to keep public notified of what is being done and why (10 percent); and uniqueness of program (10 percent).

Deadline for entries to the 2016 Sorenson Award is July 1. For more information, or to submit nominations, please contact FP2’s executive director, Jim Moulthrop, at 8100 West Court, Austin, Tex., 78759, voice (512) 970-8865, e-mail at [email protected].
