Rick Church is New Executive Director of The Foundation for Pavement Preservation

The association names Church to replace Jim Moulthrop as executive director.

Fp2 Rick Church

Rick Church is the new executive director of the Foundation for Pavement Preservation or FP2 Inc., succeeding Jim Moulthrop, P.E.

Church brings a strong background in association management and pavement preservation. He is president of CM Services, Inc., and executive director of the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA) and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA).

After reviewing multiple candidate applications and conducting a thorough interview process with several highly qualified candidates, FP2’s search committee and board of directors selected Church and CM Services.

“CM Services and Rick Church bring both industry experience through their involvement with AEMA, ARRA and ISSA, as well as association management and leadership experience,” said FP2 president Tim Harrawood, manager, Southern Contracting Division of Vance Brothers. “We look forward to working with Rick and his team to promote pavement preservation and help lead FP2 into the next chapters of its existence.”

CM Services, Inc., is an over-40-year-old association management company headquartered in Glen Ellyn, Ill.  Rick has nearly 30 years’ experience serving as executive director of various industry trade associations. His areas of expertise include building consensus, strategic planning, leadership and industry development and promotion.

“An industry legend like Jim Moulthrop cannot be replaced,” Church said. “We hope to continue the focus on the importance and value of pavement preservation that Jim has championed for years. We look forward to working with the FP2 leadership to develop a strategic plan to guide FP2’s future direction, engage FP2 contributors in all aspects of the organization, develop regular FP2 communications to contributors and the industry, as well as continuing the already successful advocacy and research programs FP2 supports.”


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