Senate to Vote on House-approved Three-week Highway Bill

Senate is next to take action on a house-approved temporary measure that will extend highway funding through November 20

The Hill

On Tuesday the House approved a measure to extend federal transportation funding through November 20. It's now up to the Senate to pass the temporary funding measure to avert an interruption when the Oct. 29 deadline arrives. It looks like the Senate will pass the temporary measure, but they will have to work quickly.

Lawmakers have said a temporary patch will allow them more time to work out a multiyear highway bill. Currently, the Senate has passed a bill that includes three years of guaranteed highway funding while the House Transportation and Infrastructure has approved a six-year $325 billion transportation funding bill that will be up for a vote in the House soon. House democrats have voiced concerns that the proposed six-year bill does not contain an increase in infrastructure spending.

Congress has not passed a transportation funding bill lasting longer than two years since 2005.

(more on the three-week temporary highway funding patch...)

