Missouri Man Throws Birthday Party for Three-Month Old Pothole

The hole is one of hundreds the resident has reported to the city without a response


A Missouri man fed up with a pothole in his neighborhood did something unusual to grab the attention of city officials. 

Frank Sereno threw a birthday party for the 3-month-old pothole and posted photos of the celebration to Facebook last week. 

“I got some cake, lit a candle and had a little birthday party for 'Pothole,'" Sereno told reporters. "He seemed thrilled with the idea."

Sereno lives in Waldo, a neighborhood in Kansas City, MO. He said he's called the city several times to complain about the pothole problem.

“The asphalt is completely degraded,” he said. “It's just a symptom of our deteriorating road conditions.”

Maggie Green, a spokesperson for the Kansas City Public Works Department, said recent rainfall has interfered with road repairs this spring. The city has declared they will be repairing this stretch of roadway within the week. 
