NAPA, FHWA Survey to Measure Recycling, Warm Mix

Input from all U.S. asphalt producers sought by Aug. 20 to gauge implementation of green asphalt technologies.

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The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) has been contracted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to conduct a survey of asphalt producers in the United States to measure 2011 production levels and the use of recycled materials on a state-by-state level.

The survey follows up on last year's NAPA/FHWA survey that measured 2009 and 2010 levels of hot mix asphalt (HMA), warm-mix asphalt (WMA), reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP), and recycled asphalt shingles (RAS). Input from all U.S. asphalt producers is important to ensure that the survey is an accurate accounting of the use of RAP, RAS, and WMA. Some of the more dramatic numbers in that survey’s result are that use of WMA increased by 182 percent from 2009 to 2010, and that reuse/recycling of RAP is at an astonishing 99 percent.

Asphalt pavement producers may participate in the survey here. The survey must be completed by Aug. 20. It is recommended that respondents download a printed version of the survey from the NAPA website to ensure all the requested data is at hand before beginning the process. Survey participants will receive a complimentary copy of the report once it is released.

Because data is being aggregated by state, companies or branches active in more than one state need to complete a separate questionnaire for each state. If a plant provides mix for more than one state, the tonnage should be divided accordingly.

Data from the survey will be kept completely confidential and will be used only for the purposes of determining quantities. Data will be reported by state only, and no company-specific information will be disclosed or used for any purpose.

Survey results will be shared with industry and agencies to help in the implementation of recycling and warm-mix technologies. This will help the industry when working with agencies and the public to promote asphalt pavements.

Results of the 2009/2010 survey are available on the NAPA website.

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