App of the Week: Estimate ALL PRO

Generate and send estimates with the Estimate ALL PRO mobile app from JLGpro Apps

The Estimate ALL PRO mobile app allows the user to add unlimited items to an estimate and save an unlimited number of estimates.
The Estimate ALL PRO mobile app allows the user to add unlimited items to an estimate and save an unlimited number of estimates.

Mobile app: A Estimate ALL PRO
Developer: JLGpro Apps
Cost: $3.99
Available on: Android
Average Ratings: 3 stars

Rated as one of the 10 best apps for construction by Fitcom Solutions, The Estimate ALL PRO mobile app allows the user to generate estimates for construction, concrete, remodeling and more. The user enters quantities, item description, unit price while the app completes the math and displays the item total price. The app adds the item totals providing a subtotal. Contractors can then send the estimates to clients through email (Gmail) or save the estimates for later use. Users can also add their own tax rate and the app will figure that into the final estimate.

App features:

  • Save unlimited estimates for different clients or different titles
  • Searchable files which can be viewed, edited or deleted
  • Add unlimited items to estimates
  • Add barcodes for estimate items through the use of the Android Barcode Scanner app
  • Search the Internet for your items to find prices, reviews and where you can buy them
  • Alphabetical sorting for estimate's file and frequent use items
  • Add special notes to each estimate
  • View creation date for all the new estimates