Health Tips for When You're Standing All Day

Standing all day can lead to fatigue, back and feet pain, and muscle stiffness

Proper posture, effective stretches and other tricks can alleviate the stress on the body from standing all day at work.
Proper posture, effective stretches and other tricks can alleviate the stress on the body from standing all day at work.

We've all heard the health tips for people whose jobs require them to sit at a desk all day. Most workers in the construction industry do not have that problem. In fact, most construction workers have the opposite problem: standing all day. Recent studies suggest that standing all day can have its drawbacks as well. Standing, bending down, and lifting objects can cause leg cramps and feet and back pain, even after just short periods of standing.

To remain comfortable when you’re working on your feet, you must take measures to strengthen and circulate your body while possessing the right form and balance. Good posture, effective stretches and movements are all essential when you're standing all day at work.

BigRentz has created an infographic with tips and stretches to help standing workers alleviate the pain related to standing for prolonged periods of time.

(see the full infographic with tips, tricks and proper posture suggestions...)
