Boy, Old Ben Was Right

Ben Franklin once said: “We must hang together or we will surely hang separately.” Ben Franklin was a printer by trade, scientist by fame but a business man always. Ben knew then what many business owners know now and that is that if we fight together, we can overcome together.

In today’s economic climate, sweepers are banning together to create a front against the economic downturn. One way of doing this is through membership in the North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA). NAPSA is the organization that represents the power sweeping industry. Members are represented across the nation and internationally. Membership in NAPSA gives a voice to the power sweeping industry.

NAPSA members say that maintaining their relationship with their industry’s trade organization and its members is critical to the overall health of their business. Many folks develop networking opportunities in their local areas and perhaps they may even be comfortable with contacting these competitors when they need advice. If that’s not the case, then a valuable resource is the NAPSA’s networking opportunities and Mentor Program. Through NAPSA, members have a safe avenue to be paired with an experienced power sweeper. The mentor program provides opportunity for open consultation in a nonthreatening environment. The networking gives members the opportunity to learn from each other as well.

Members communicate inside and outside the industry through the NAPSA website which receives hundreds of visits each month. The Contractor Locator refers just as many potential clients to the members as well. Members also benefit from the bi-monthly NAPSA News and industry Facebook page. In addition to sound representation, NAPSA members can save cold, hard cash on truck parts, office supplies, NPE admission, credit card servicing, fuel, insurance, ink/toner, safety gear or apparel and much more.

For more information on these benefits or others, contact the North American Power Sweeping Association at (888) 757-0130, [email protected] or visit our website at


The North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA) is a nonprofit association made up of 300+ contract sweepers, service providers and sweeping equipment dealers, manufacturers and suppliers. NAPSA is dedicated to providing beneficial support to the membership and enhancing services to the sweeping industry.  NAPSA is committed to promoting and educating the power sweeping community while enhancing the environment. For more information on NAPSA membership, please visit or call (888) 757-0130.


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